We perform medical examinations required for immigration visas:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand

We work in a professional health information processing system E-Medical.

The Immigration procedure includes 4 stages:

  • Registration.
  • Diagnostic tests (laboratory test for blood and urine, chest X-ray).
  • Basic physical examination by a doctor and interpretation of obtained results from diagnostic tests.
  • Closing the medical process and submit the required documentation in the E-Medical system to the country's immigration office on the same day.

All examinations take place at the 5th Military Clinical Hospital with the Polyclinic SPZOZ at ul. Wrocławska 1 in Krakow.

Please Call for detailed information and registration under the telephone number: +48 506-590-693.
Registration for examinations takes place from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.